
Summer Palace fit for a King

We’ve made it a summer goal to embrace nature at least once a day – and if not that, at least a few times throughout the week. So far this week, we’ve gone to the beach on several occasions, even if for just an hour. We just feel like embracing nature makes us happier than […]


Replanting the Natives

Recently, we had the chance to go hiking in an exclusive location to help replant some native plants. The story behind this place is that a wealthy family bought up the land so further development wouldn’t happen. Where this mountain is located, the homes go all the way up to the gate of this native-plant […]

Great Reads

Our “Baby” Library

Because we don’t have a lot of space, we keep a very small library. These gems are what we like to turn to, instead of the TV. With all those commercials and distractions telling you to go out and shop, we sometimes prefer quiet moments, where we get a chance to immerse ourselves in a […]